
Perfectly Clear Communications by Noel & Associates


Write Man Communications


Why Hire Write Man
Letter Writing
Advertising Copy
Website Content
Public Relations
Press Releases
Ghost Writing
Contact Info

Website Marketing Content
& Print Brochures

Click, click, you're alive!  Click, click, you're dead!  It happens just that quickly thousands of times every day.  It's hard enough to attract the right people to your website, but just one or two clicks will take them away instantly. 

When I arrive at your website, I want to know right away if it'll give me the info that I want.  If I see a flashing light, hear a voice, or have to wait for huge files to load, I'll click away!  Worst of all, if I'm directed to download anything in order to view your website, your message is dead on arrival.  Click, click! 

Many of the same principles apply to print brochures, although there are significant differences besides not hearing those clicks.  Both websites and brochures provide great opportunities to tell people exactly what you want them to know. 

Websites and print brochures often appear to have been written to impress someone other than the intended audience.  When your website or brochure is viewed by someone new, you usually have only a few seconds to arouse interest.  You have to make the right impression quickly and clearly. 

I will use the right words and arrange your information the right way to communicate clearly what you want customers and prospects to know.


Why not e-mail me right now to discuss your project?
I'll answer your questions.

(Don't forget the hyphen!)

Site Developed by:  Online Experts.
Last modified: 06/17/10