Letter Writing

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Letter Writing: Business & Personal


Effective letters get your message read and understood.


Have you ever received a letter that bored you, annoyed you, or made you wonder what the point really was?  How about a "professional" letter containing obvious mistakes in grammar, spelling, or sentence structure?  How long did it take that letter to find the trash can?   What if it didn't provide a convenient way to respond?  Why did the sender waste the time, paper, and postage? 

The first challenge is to get the recipient to actually read your letter.  You can write anything you want, but no one has to read what you write.  The reader can stop reading at any time.  A letter that's easy to read is much more effective. 

The second challenge of any letter is to make the reader clearly understand your message.  An effective letter gets to the point quickly and makes the reader understand your message clearly. 

A third challenge of many letters is to obtain a desired response.  If the writer has met the first two challenges, meeting the third challenge is possible.  To get that response, a good letter invites the reader to take action and provides a convenient way to respond.  

I write letters that are easy to read.  My letters get to the point quickly, and your message will be clearly understood.  If you want a response, I can increase your chances of getting the response you want. 

A good or bad letter can change your life!
You don't have to suffer from a failure to communicate clearly.
Sometimes just a few of the right words can make a big difference.

Contact me now for help.



(Don't forget the hyphen!)

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Last modified: 06/17/10